Legal Notice

This website is operated by the company Hymne, located at Rue du Bois-Melly 2, 1205 Geneva. You can contact us via email at

By using and browsing our website, you agree to be bound by our legal notice.

1. Intellectual Property

The content of our website, its overall structure, photographs, images, videos, infographics, texts, and other materials that constitute our website are our exclusive property or are used with the permission of their owners and are protected by copyright, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights.

Any total or partial representation or reproduction of our website or its content, by any means whatsoever, without obtaining our prior express permission, is prohibited and would constitute infringement punishable by law.

2. License of Use

The right of use granted to the user on our website is personal and private. Any representation, reproduction, distribution, or other use of the content of the website on any medium for commercial purposes is prohibited. The right of use includes only the authorization to view the website and its content. Any other use is subject to our prior express authorization.

3. Limitation of Liability

Despite our careful attention to the creation of our website, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information published. We also cannot guarantee that the website and/or the servers hosting it will operate without interruptions, malfunctions, errors, viruses, or other harmful components, or that these issues can and will be resolved.

By using and browsing our website, you expressly consent to the limitations of our liability that may result from the use of our website.

4. Links to Other Websites

The website may contain links to third-party websites that are not under our control. We assume no responsibility for the content of third-party sites, and references from our website to third-party sites do not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of the opinions expressed therein.

5. Data Protection

We are committed to respecting your personal data. For more information on how we collect, use, and share your data, you can refer to our privacy notice. Hymne – November 2023